Russian wheat production expected to reach record 88.6 million tons
quinta-feira, maio 19, 2022
Russian agricultural research consultancy SovEcon raised the estimate for Russia's wheat crop in the 2022/23 season by 1.2 million tonnes, representing a new record of 88.6 million tonnes.
The review is based on "the excellent conditions of winter harvests and an increase in the spring wheat area," according to a report sent to customers.
In the 2021/22 harvest, Russia produced 76 million tons of wheat.
According to SovEcon, moisture reserves are close to or exceed the average in most producing areas, falling slightly below average in the southern region of Rostov (main wheat producer), due to the dry climate in recent weeks.
Black Sea wheat market analyst and SovEcon director Andrey Sizov remains optimistic and does not rule out the possibility of a further increase in forecasts.
"The emergence of plants after winter and the March-April climate was an important stage and the plants look better after the weather forecast for the coming weeks," Sizov said.
Source: Canal Rural
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