Performance of dairy cows fed diets containing macauba meal
segunda-feira, fevereiro 04, 2019
Authors: R.A. Azevedo; A.C.R. Santos; C.S. Ribeiro Júnior; F.P.C. Santos; L. Araújo; F.L. Bicalho; L.M. Fonseca; L.C. Geraseev
Abstract: We evaluated nutrient intake, production and composition of milk from Holstein cows fed feedlot diets with different inclusion levels of macauba meal. Eight animals were divided into two 4x4 latin square designs, four treatments, 0, 100, 200 and 300g kg-1 macauba meal in the dry matter diet, and four experimental periods of 21 days, 14 adaptation and seven evaluation.
The addition of increasing levels of macauba meal diet alter the intake of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, non-fiber carbohydrates, production and concentration of lactose, nonfat dry and total solids in milk, as well as the feed efficiency and digestibility of dry matter. Moreover, there was no difference in the levels of milk fat.
The addition of macaúba meal up to 300g kg-1 diet compromised the consumption and production performance of animals.
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Page: Scielo
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