Seed germination and estimates of genetic parameters of promising macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata) progenies for biofuel production
sexta-feira, novembro 09, 2018
Authors: Luiz Henrique Chorfi Berton, Joaquim Adelino de Azevedo Filho, Walter José Siqueira, Carlos Augusto Colombo
The percentage and speed of germination and the vigor of Acrocomia aculeata seedlings during early development can be important for obtaining seedlings for the commercial cultivation of this palm. Thus, the variation in germination and vegetative traits was studied in 63 A. aculeata half-sib progenies considered promising for biodiesel production, which originated from natural populations in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais.
The seeds were weighed on an analytical balance and subsequently received pre-germination treatments. A randomized block design was employed at sowing, with two replicates and plots of 128 seeds. The traits evaluated were germination percentage and germination speed index. After germination and seedling transplantation to plastic bags in agricultural greenhouse conditions, the following biometric traits were measured: plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter and number of spines.
Analysis of variance was performed, means were tested, and the heritability and correlation between traits were calculated for all evaluated traits. The mean germination percentage obtained was 59.07%, ranging from 19.14% to 98.64%. The mean germination speed index was 1.51, ranging from 0.34 to 3.39. Positive genetic correlations were observed for all traits, as well as high heritability.
The evaluated A. aculeata progenies showed great genetic variability, demonstrating that successful selection of superior progenies is possible.
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