High-performance prediction of macauba fruit biomass for agricultural and industrial purposes using Artificial Neural Networks
segunda-feira, dezembro 04, 2017
Abstract: Biomass estimation plays of crucial role in agriculture and agro-based industries. The macauba, Acrocomia aculeata
(Jacq.) Lood., ex Mart., is a palm species that has been a focal point
for research and development of an alternative biomass-bioenergy crop
for the tropics. The macauba fruit components (exocarp, mesocarp,
endocarp and seed/kernel) present different constitutional
characteristics and their biomass determination, by traditional methods,
is labor-consuming. Therefore, the validation of procedures that can
streamline this process is relevant, since it can reduce costs and time
for both breeding programs and industries. This study tested the
efficacy of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) on biomass prediction of
the macauba fruit components by comparing it to the multiple linear
regression method. The data used came from fruits collected in 18
localities, distributed throughout the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
According to their provenance, the matrices were clustered into two
groups with the k-means method for posterior ANN cross-validation. Each
group was interchangeably used for both training and validation
purposes. The ANN was more efficient than multivariate linear model in
the predictions of dry weight of the fruit́s four components and oil
content of the mesocarp and seed. As for variables related to dry
weight, ANN reached 98% predictive accuracy (i.e., 98% accuracy of the
value predicted by the network), and for variables related to oil
contents, accuracy was around 90%. Additionally, non-invasive
measurements of the fruit (i.e., low-cost and low-time measurement
variables) were adequate enough to predict most of the variables of
interest. These results show the ANN's prediction potential, saving time
and efforts for the consolidation of macauba as a crop.
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